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There is an old beauty salon who has been operating near the local collapsed sushi shop and has been running for over 30 years. I never saw that customers are in there. When I was young, retail shops were lined up in the local area and the economy was also in full bloom. In the evening around 2-3 minutes walking from the station it was also a place for a relaxing place where homemakers chew their daily bitches as housewives came to buy suppers for dinner. Since convenience stores, supermarkets, and drugstores reigned in every corner of the city, the flow of people in the shopping district stopped, and the time when the signboards of stores shopkeeping was gone increased. I guess this hairdressing salon was not anything else. When I happened to take a walk I saw the appearance of a shop around the shop on a flowerbed wrapped in a small plastic. This white plastic flower bed is a thumbnail that is decorated to make it easy for customers to see where they are keeping for many years by the owner of the shop, it is a bait. The owner of the shop may not remember whether this is a bait. Or it looked like a routine where she lives every day from what she had already prepared for thumbnails in the everyday conversation with the flower. Suddenly the name of the author of Hermann Hesse came up. I never read it. I was curious as someone reading in a high school classmate ‘s English lesson. Although I do not know the contents, Herman Hesse has told the thing like a certain element that plants have power, and one element poured out her power to live? I’m sorry if I made a mistake. When I replace the story with myself, I wish to introduce Japanese culture I carefully planned to wait and I was waiting for you No one actually came When the question that comes to mind. What do I predate and live? Will I be satisfied with having life force devoted to my faith? It is myself who has such a crisis. I will also explain that I am enjoying a very painful time when nothing really cuts down in real though it seems to be sweet. A lover you have not seen yet. After weeks after resuming FaceBook, it seems like I can see it up to the current status of overseas classmates update. It is a recovery and progress that can not be thought of by the former self. Notice of Alumni Society in which information of concern is entered into the eyes. Honest feelings I was awkward just imagining what I could face down. As a result of being overseas at high school days, I did not graduate with members of the alumni association that I am talking about this time, but the time I entered was the same. The strength of such force becomes a support to live. Currently I am happy as much as I can call out on Facebook, I appreciate it. There is a sweet idea that we can not meet again if there is opportunity to come back to the school. The school itself is my sanctuary and I do not want to step on easily. And this poem blocked by Dylan Thomas Do not go gentle into that good night I have not been released from feelings tied up after reading this poem. It is like a spell. It is not good. I am simple to think that I want to see everyone’s smile by going through the screen of my computer to me. I am frustrated with my living afterwards after accepting that temporary energy. Although I was talking about in the chat group on the premise I am going, it is a feeling that my heart is not ready to go yet. A turning point comes down to me who did not go. Have not you all had such ideas? Opportunities that you have to choose in the same time period You have to choose which one can happen to yourself. If there is equal win at each opportunity I will not participate in the alumni association. 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